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Students from Windesheim University of Applied Science, the Netherlands attended one-week exchange study in WZU

Release time: 2019-11-06

On October 28th, a delegation comprising of 21 students from Windesheim University of Applied Science in the Netherlands arrived at Wenzhou University to start a week-long Chinese cultural experience camp.

During this week, Dutch students had close and pleasant interactions with the teachers and students at Wenzhou University. They visited the University History Museum and Hair Embroidery Hall, Wenzhou Planning Exhibition Hall, and studied "oral Chinese" and “Chinese Tea Ceremony and Culture”at the College of International Education. They also exercised "Tai Chi" and martial arts at the College of Physical Education and Health, played Zheng, Guqin and Erhu at the School of Music, and made crafts in the wood workshop of the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture. They were impressed by the profound Chinese culture, and the professionalism and international teaching ability of the teachers, the warm hospitality of students at Wenzhou University.

On the morning of November 1st, Director Yan Xiaopeng and Deputy Director Zheng Ting of International Relations Office, and Mr. Erik van den Berg, Administration Director of Windsheim University of Applied Sciences, and Lukas Xu held a meeting on deepening collaboration between the two sides. The two parties reviewed and summarized the history of cooperation, and hoped that the two universities could further cooperation in the fields of bioengineering, environmental engineering, water resources treatment, ecology, etc., create new cooperation models, and continue to promote the academic research and student exchange programs.

Windersheim University of Applied Sciences and Wenzhou University signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in 2012. A group of students from Windersheim would come to Wenzhou University for study and exchange each year. So far, more than 100 Dutch students have participated in the program.


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