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The preparatory course for the "2+1+1" undergraduate program between Wenzhou University and Istituto Europeo di Design opened!

Release time: 2021-05-13

On May 10, 2021, the preparatory course for the "2+1+1" undergraduate program between Wenzhou University and Istituto Europeo di Design (IED)-Design Methodology Workshop was held at the Meeting Room 2B 4001, College of Fine Arts and Design. A total of 28 students studying clothing and apparel design, clothing design and engineering, visual communication design attended the class. Leaders of the college and related departments have paid great attention to this event. Xie Zijing, Dean of the College, Hu Wenchao, Deputy Dean, Huang Wenhao, Director of International Relations Office, Zheng Ting, Deputy Director, Filippo, professor of IED, He Junwei, Business Development Director of IED attended the opening ceremony of the training. 

Pic: Opening of Design Methodology Workshop

The "2+1+1" undergraduate program aims to provide students with opportunities to study abroad, broaden their international horizons, and improve the ability of cross-cultural communication. Students who have completed two years of studies in fashion design-related majors in WZU could be selected to study at IED in Italy for one year. They are able to apply for scholarship from our university. In 2020, two students were admitted to IED.

Pict: Professor Filippo Strada, an Italian menswear designer/product director/professor with IED

The course of Design Methodology Workshop has a total of 30 credit hours, which is a prerequisite for the admission to the "2+1+1" program between Wenzhou University and IED. The course is lectured by Filippo Strada, a senior fashion designer. This course aims to define the method of creating mood boards, so as to establish the right way of thinking in the design of men's and women's clothing series. Based on this goal, the course would demonstrate the practical application of design methodology and skills through the creation of mood boards, color boards, fabric boards and other materials. The creation of mood boards plays a vital role in subsequent project development and series design, and is an indispensable skill in fashion design.

After 2 days of fulfilling offline learning, especially the one-to-one instruction by Professor Filippo Strada, the students who were at first anxious, could not only understand the teaching content, but also express their thoughts and questions accurately in English. According to the syllabus, the following courses will be taken online and at the end of the training, the instructor will give suggestions on the performance and potential of each student.


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