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Delegation led by the Governor of Prato, Italy visited Wenzhou University

Release time: 2020-01-13

On the morning of January 13, 2020, a delegation of 15 people led by Francesco Puggelli, the governor of Prato Province, Italy visited Wenzhou university. Xie Shuhua, party secretary of Wenzhou University, Qian Qiang, vice president received the delegation in Bailu Hall, South Campus. Zhou Huaizhong, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government, Xu Qiulin, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Association in Prato, Zhou Rongjing, chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Prato, and Chen Zhou, executive chairman of the Overseas Chinese Association, the heads of International Relations Office of Wenzhou University and the World Wenzhou People Research Center etc. also attended the meeting.

On behalf of Wenzhou University, Xie Shuhua expressed warm welcome to the visit of Governor Francesco Puggelli and his delegation, and introduced the history of Wenzhou University. Reviewing the exchanges and cooperation between the university and the Prato, He said that Wenzhou and Prato had a tight relationship, and the two sides had carried out in-depth cooperation in art, cultural education, and business. Wenzhou University, together with scientific research teams from universities in Italy and Australia, have conducted many surveys in Prato, and the research results have accelerated the process of Chinese immigrants' integration into Italy. Secretary Xie hoped that both parties would identify more common goals, formulate practical plans, and further expand the depth and breadth of exchanges and cooperation.

Secretary Xie pointed out that the development of Wenzhou University was inseparable from the long-term support of overseas Chinese from all walks of life. It is hoped that through strategic cooperation, overseas Chinese could gather their wisdom in the introduction of talents and the establishment of exchange platforms to further deepen the cooperation between Wenzhou University and Italian universities and scientific research institutions.

Governor Francesco Puggelli expressed his gratitude to the university for its hospitality, and introduced the general situation of Prato and the great contributions made by the overseas Chinese, especially those from Wenzhou in Prato, as well as the development of Chinese curriculum education there. He proposed to cooperate with Wenzhou University on student exchange programs, and hoped to get more useful information and help from the World Wenzhou People Research Center in the research of overseas Chinese, thus deepening the cooperation in scientific and technological education.

During the stay, the delegation from Prato visited Wenzhou University history museum and hair embroidery research institute.

Introduction to the Province of Prato:

The Province of Prato is located in the northeastern part of Tuscany, Italy, and in the center of Florence and the Pistoia Plain. The province was established in 1992 and has jurisdiction over 7 cities, with a land area of 365 square kilometers and a population of 250,000. The Province of Prato is one of the main transportation hubs in Italy. It is one of the provinces with the highest level of urbanization and industrialization in Tuscany. The pillar industry of the province is the textile industry. As early as in the 15th century, it was the famous woolen processing and production center in Italy. The Wenzhou people in Prato has made active efforts and contributions to the local economic and social development.


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